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October 2023 


Independent Timber Merchants Co-operative Limited “ITM”, recognises the importance of upholding ethical labour standards throughout our operations. This Core Labour Policy reflects our commitment to align with FSC® (Forest Stewardship Council®) requirements on labour practices and human rights within our operations. It is important to note that a substantial portion of the FSC® labour requirements align with New Zealand'parimatch casino review s Employment Relations Act, 2000, which we fully embrace as responsible citizens and employers. 



1.1.    Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining: ITM respects the right of our employees and workers in our supply chain to form or join trade unions or worker associations of their choice. We support the right to collective bargaining to negotiate fair employment terms and conditions. 

1.2.    No Discrimination: We do not tolerate discrimination based on race, gender, religion, age, disability, or any other protected status. We provide equal opportunities and fair treatment to all individuals in our employ and in our supply chain. 

1.3.    Child Labour: ITM strictly prohibits the use of child labour in any aspect of our operations. We adhere to all applicable laws and regulations regarding the minimum age of employment. 

1.4.    Forced and Compulsory Labour: We do not engage in, support, or tolerate forced or compulsory labour, including bonded labour, human trafficking, or any form of modern slavery. All employment is free from coercion.


2.1.    Wages and Benefits: ITM provides employees with fair and competitive wages, benefits, and working conditions that meet or exceed applicable legal requirements and industry standards. 

2.2.    Working Hours: We ensure that working hours comply with New Zealand laws and regulations. Overtime work is compensated fairly and limited to reasonable levels. 

2.3.    Health and Safety: We are committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all employees. We identify and mitigate workplace hazards, and we encourage employees to report safety concerns without fear of reprisal. 

By adopting this FSC® Core Labour Policy, ITM reaffirms its dedication to ethical labour practices and upholding the principles of responsible forestry management. 

This policy shall be reviewed annually and be made available to stakeholders, ITM staff, FSC® accredited certification body and other interested parties as deemed appropriate.

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This Labour Policy is applicable solely to the following entities:

  1. ITM Support Office
  2. ITM Frame & Truss
  3. Albany ITM
  4. Albany ITM Frame & Truss
  5. Mount ITM Frame & Truss
  6. Nelson ITM
  7. Rangiora ITM
  8. Toa ITM Porirua
  9. Warkworth ITM
  10. Toa ITM Heretaunga

All references to "the company" or "employer" within this policy document pertain exclusively to the aforementioned entities. This policy does not apply to any other ITM branches, divisions, or subsidiaries that are not explicitly listed above. Any deviations or exceptions from this policy for other entities should be addressed through separate and specific labour policies or agreements.

This disclaimer serves as a reminder that the Labour Policy described herein is limited in scope and should not be considered universal across the ITM network unless explicitly specified otherwise.